Thank you for inquiring about Redeemer’s pastoral internship. The purpose of the internship program is to seek to provide an opportunity for future pastors and church planters to reflect on the nature of the church and pastoral ministry. As they observe a local church in practice and reflect on both the Scriptures and the writings of pastors and theologians who have thought carefully about the nature and calling of the local church, interns are able to consider what a healthy, biblical church looks like and their role within it as a shepherd.
God has called Redeemer Church to gather in the inner city of Cardiff. Our diverse urban location will flavour your internship. Life in a growing, diverse church, under a sovereign God, is never predictable, yet we are committed to each intern growing in his understanding of the sufficiency of Scripture and the priority of the local church in God’s redemptive purposes for the world. Therefore, every intern can expect to gain a practical understanding of the role of God’s Word in preaching and teaching, a Biblical view of church membership and a careful look at a congregational community.
Interns accepted into the program are expected to become members of Redeemer, to be in agreement with our Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. This is a full time, paid internship. The program follows the school calendar, beginning in September and ending in July. Acceptance into and/or completion of the program in no way implies our affirmation of your sense of call into pastoral/church planting ministry, and interns should not expect future employment at Redeemer Church.
If an internship at Redeemer Church sounds of interest to you as a future pastor or church planter, please get in touch by contacting Pastor Ross Frierson. Please get in touch by emailing
Yours in Christ,
Redeemer Church
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